Excess soil and stones will be removed from the site. Materials, including rip rap, pre-fabricated foot-bridges, and sewer pipeline will be trucked to the site. Generally speaking, construction will involve the use of excavators, dump trucks, and other heavy equipment.
Remove multiflora rose from this section of the park.
Excavate small areas in the forested floodplain to enhance wetland functions. Fill the stormwater channel at the east end of the park and redirect the storm water outfall into the excavated channel to utilize the filtrating and storage capacity of the forested floodplain and wetlands in the park. Forested Floodplain Enhancement: Excavate a tributary channel in a low-lying area of the forested floodplain.Plant upland areas with native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants to expand the riparian buffer into open high ground and connect the riparian buffer to the existing adjacent forested floodplain. Riparian Enhancement: Plant riparian area from the top of bank to a width of approximately 50 feet on both sides of the stream with native tree, shrub, and herbaceous species.Provide additional stream stabilization using large woody debris. Remove 370 linear feet of concrete channel bottom and replaced with stream substrate of riprap choked with smaller stone. Stream Naturalization and Stabilization: Remove existing gabion baskets, regrade banks with stream benches to better connect the main channel with the forested riparian buffer.In Grove Park, the Army Corps of Engineers and it's contractor will: Upland Native Planting: Plant a native wildflower meadow near Corinthian Avenue on a hill that has little recreational value.Riparian Enhancement: Provide 20 to 25 feet of continuous riparian buffers along the creek, to the extent possible.Sanitary Sewer Relocation: Replace and relocate approximately 760 feet of sewer line and manholes that have been exposed due to ongoing erosion.Culvert Replacement: Replace two culverts with pre-fabricated steel footbridges.Bank Stabilization: Regrade, stabilize, and plant stream banks to reduce erosion and sedimentation in this stretch of Sandy Run.In Roychester Park, the Army Corps of Engineers and it's contractor will: Construction within Roychester Park and Grove Park will be similar, but include different features in each park.